fredag 8. oktober 2010


This week we learned about typography. We learned the difference between Antiqua- and Gothic- fonts. Antiqua has small "foots" on each leg: A. An example on Antiqua is the font TimesGothic don`t have these foots on, and they look like the font I`m writing with now, Verdana. In English this font type is named Gothic, but it is 2 font families named that. The gothic family is known by using letters like this: 

The Gothic font I`m talking about is the category Gothic that represents fonts like Verdana, Arial and Helvetica.
The task of the week was to write our schools name; Vågen Videregående Skole, and the name of the class; Medier og Kommunikasjon. We should try out 5 different contrasts to write in: Form/shape contrast, Size contrast, Strength contrast, Value contrast and Dynamic contrast. Examples follows.....:

Form Contrast:
Fonts with different form put together creates formcontrast.
Strength Contrast:
Differences that occur between Fonts of the same family that has unlike strength and weight.
Size Contrast:
The same shape or the same font of different size.

Value Contrast:
Clean value - or color-contrast.
Dynamic Contrast:
Variousness as big as possible.
These is the contrasts we went trough. This was task 1 out of 3. task 2 was to draw the 2 different font styles, Antiqua and Gothic, on paper. So I can`t upload it. Task 3 was to make a T-shirt design with fonts. That was funny. I`ll show you the result of my T-shirt:::::::
I used 2 contrasts: Size contrast, and Value contrast. I`m very proud of it, and it is not because Garfield joined it. Just so you`ll know, this design is created by fonts ONLY! If you don`t believe me, read the following sentence: The sleeping/dead Garfield is the symbol in the picture to the right.
  I downloaded the font "Garfield" and that is why the pictures of garfield is a letter or symbol.... Ok, the "blood" isn`t a font, you got me, I admit it. If you want to download this font, simply go to and search for Garfield.

If this was a T-shirt, would you have bought it? I would :P

Spell ya l8er!

And by the way, later is after the vacation.
Have a nice Vacation!
I am tired of the publishing time, that always shows the wrong time. I did not publish this 0.40, or whatever. This post was published 10.26 in the morning.

torsdag 7. oktober 2010

Photo - Depth of field (Dybdeskarphet)

When we learned about the Camera operations and what differences they could do with a photo, we should try out those functions in practice. I, and 2 other pupils did it together. We were to choose a random task from what we had learned, and take 2 photos to show the difference. We got the theme named: Depth of field (DOF). The task read that we should first take a photo with the largest aperture (blenderåpning). And task 2 said the opposite.We should also find a clearly Foreground, background and one between. Here is the photo shot with the largest aperture (lowest number):
Aperture size: 5,6
Aperture size: 36

The foreground here, is the flower, and you can se a clear difference between the flower and the background. It looks like the flower is far away from the background.

In this photo, the background comes closer to the flower, and it doesn`t look like a great distance. The trick is that the distance is the same in both photos. But by only changing the aperture makes a large difference.

Small aperture size makes big sharpness in the depth, but large makes little sharpness.

Remember, the smaller the number, the larger the aperture and the same with larger number - smaller aperture.
My English isn`t the best, so I might have spelled the photo expressions wrong, because we learned them in Norwegian.

Have a nice Day!

tirsdag 5. oktober 2010


When we were (Www :P) done creating the blog that you`re reading, we got this task: to make a banner for the blog. That`s the picture on top of the website. This is how mine looks like:
When you look at it, the font is like a cold flame, that burns the letters. I like to work with typography, so I wanted to make the logo/banner cool. This banner occurred by an accident actually. I was trying out the fancy effects in photoshop, and it suddenly ended up as this. Hehe, so I will try to redo the progress without knowing the exact way to do it :P

First we had to choose the image size. Here is the recipe:
Width: 900 pixels. Height: 200 pixels. 72 ppi. Color Mode: RGB 8 bit.
This window pop up when you make a new document in photoshop.

I started with the Text tool. Font: Arial. Font Size: 72px. I wrote a letter, in this case an F. Important info: Only make 1 letter. Then choose the Brush Tool. Then you might wonder what kind of brushes or brush size your gonna use. Here is what I used:

If you have problems to see what is shown in the image, ill explain. The marked brush style (the square with the black outlines) is the one I used, but I chose Size 8 px. In the image to the left, is the F that i made. When you have chosen the Brush, then click on the document. Then a pop up will appear. Click ok, and then the text Layer will transform into a normal Layer. Then you can Edit the "F" like a normal photo. Use the brush to make the letter into a "cloudy" letter. (see the picture to the left.) How? Change the color into White. Then draw randomly lines over the letter till your happy with the look. Then continue the progress with the other letters, but remember, 1 letter at a time. To check if your on the right way, you will end up with 1 Layer for each letter. When I wrote and brushed the word: "FREDRiK`s" I marked all Layers and went over to the Styles window:
Choose the style that is marked on the picture (Nebula). Then the Then the letters will look a bit weird, or maybe you like it:
Ok, in the image I have already done the other words, but I will explain how, so don`t do the exact same progress on the next 

Now write "D i G i T A L   A R T" or whatever you wanna write. Use the same font, but use size 60px. Write this as 1 sentence, and on 1 Layer. Then make the letters "cloudy" by using the same Brush settings. After you`re satisfied, go to the Styles window and choose the Puzzle effect. (The grey square under the white with a red line) Then it will look a bit different from the other word. When this is completed, the next step follows. This was kind of the easy part, or it was the easiest part to understand. Now I`m gonna make the whole image more bluely by play with the Adjustments window:
The small pictures shows what type of adjustments you can choose between. In this tutorial I`m gonna use: Brightness/Contrast, Levels and Photo Filter. 

First click on the Photo Filter. It will show a square colored Orange. Click on it to change the color to what you want: 

Then click on the Level button, and try to change it.
After that, click on the Brightness/Contrast button, and change the contrast or brightness to where it is acceptable to have them.

After you have tested, tried and adjusted to the infinity and beyond, you have finally succeeded to make exactly what I made. Then your letters or words will look cool, fancy or amazing:
The finished banner.
Remember, I made this creation by accident, and I am not the best source to how this works, but if you want to make a banner like this, then you can listen to what I`m saying.

Have a nice Day!

fredag 1. oktober 2010


If we`d finished the photo collage before the deadline had arrived, we could set our skills on a trial. We could make a Pan picture, with 3-8 photographies put together like a long picture. I shot 7 pictures in portrait format. That`s the easy part. After the "easy" part, the "a little bit harder part, but still an easy part" follows. The first thing to do, is OPEN Adobe Photoshop CS5. Then go to File-Scripts-Load Files into stack... 

Then choose the images you want to load, and click open.

Then you will get a bunch of layers, and it doesn`t make much sense at all, like shown way below...

Left click on the upper Layer to mark it Blue. Hold down the SHIFT button, and left click on the lowest Layer to mark all. Then go to edit, in the menu, and then Auto-Align Layers. Then it will pop up a window with multiple choices. Choose Auto and press OK. Then let it load, don`t cancel it. After the loading is completed, your image will look like this: (The motive in the picture will not look the same).

You can see the light changes in the picture, and you will probably not have that in the picture. Go to Edit-Autoblend Layers:

Then this wonderful program simply do all the work for you, and your picture does look just like it should be. 

Crop the image to where you want it to be, and press enter.

Then your picture/image/photo/photography is completely completed. My picture looks like this:

Hope this helped they who wanted to be helped in exact this theme. And this wasn`t actually a hard task, but I learned how to do it :P

Have a nice Day!