lørdag 23. april 2011

Life isn't perfect!

Life isn't perfect, even for Disney characters. We were going to make a short movie, photo or a cartoon that contained a scene from the life of a Disney character, or any character that we knew when we were children. The scene could be when the character was grown up or a teenager and so on. The characters were tiny and innocent, but we should tell the rest of the story and choose if it was still as perfect as before, or not. Me and my group chose to make a movie about Teletubbies. As you may know, they are sweet and cute, and they wouldn't even hurt a fly. But, in our movie... they've chosen the DARK side! Hehe. They have become criminals and they are sought by the police. This task was also a way to try out different genres in movies. We got the genre Slasher, which is a scary movie like Scream, Halloween, etc.
In a Slasher movie there is certain rules:
The killer is the point of view or if you see him he usually wears a mask.
If you say be right back you wont be back.
If you open a door to a closet and theres no music, the killer is behind you.
The plot usually takes place at night, or where there's dark, except in our movie :P
There is more rules, but if you have an Internet connection you will be able to Google these rules on your own... :P

There were five groups that together made five movies that can work as a movie on their own, and together with the other movies. Every movie had different genres and completely different stories. One of the movies connected the rest and was the "frame story" of the movie. There is some objects or characters you will see in more than one of the movies, and that is how we connect them.

Have a nice day!
This supplication was posted at 19.40.

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